Saskatchewan Youth Internship Program
Program SUmmary
The Saskatchewan Youth Internship Program (SYIP) focuses on Grade 9, 10, and 11 students considering a career in the trades
Student Info and Forms
Student Applications are closed for the 2024 program.
Employer Info and Forms
The Saskatchewan Youth Internship Program (SYIP) focuses on Grade 9, 10, and 11 students considering a career in the trades. Grade 12 students are encouraged to apply for the (RTSC) Regina Trades and Skills Center’s “12 to Trades” program. Students gain real world experience and have the opportunity to receive competitive wages, earn high school credits, and hours towards an apprenticeship. Students work alongside a mentor to experience first-hand what the skilled trades are about.
Students have the opportunity to apply for a summer job and be employed for 6 or more weeks during July, and August, and potentially earn up to a maximum of four high school Apprenticeship credits. Participants may document these hours on a Sask. Apprenticeship 6A form, and bank these towards their application into the trade they have been immersed in for the summer.
Partnering with industry (construction, manufacturing, tourism/hospitality, etc.), RDIEC contacts employers and creates ads for employment opportunities in the Regina region. Ads for these opportunities to work for companies employing trades people in the Regina region are posted on a job board at all of the Regina area high schools.
Please note that if you have secured summer employment and would like to pursue the Apprenticeship credits please contact the RDIEC office, Marcel Lorenz, Program Facilitator, or Mark Edmonds, Executive Director.
Students must complete the AP associated with their school division’s Apprenticeship credit acquisition. For example, in Regina Public, the AP form 2625.1 must be completed. Contact your guidance counsellor or our office if you have any questions concerning the completion of this form.
Students may be required to enroll in the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) program and complete the following safety courses.
- Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course
- Mental Health Wellness Training
- SCOT – Safety Construction Orientation Training
- Other certifications as required by potential employers (such as Fall Protection, WHMIS, etc.)
Students who have completed any of these courses must provide proof of completion (certification).
Contact Marcel Lorenz (Program Facilitator) at [email protected] or 306-530-6907, or Mark Edmonds (Executive Director), at [email protected] or 306-531-3892 (cellular) or 306 523-3310 (office) for more information.